Saturday, February 1
The Social Justice Ministry of Holy Spirit and St. Joseph parishes is planning to collect prescription medication bottles that would be donated to an organization called Medwish. This is an international nonprofit organization that collects and repurposes surplus medical supplies and equipment to provide humanitarian aid to people in need. They will only take empty, clean prescription bottles with lids that have the labels removed. They cannot take any bottles from over-the-counter medications. For those who are able to help, we will be placing a bin in the Gathering Area beginning the first weekend in February.
Monday, February 10
As our 2025 Lenten book study, The 10:10 Challenge by The Evangelical Catholic books are now available to parishioners for $10 each. Join an available group to read and discuss together, or plan to read with your family, friends, or as an independent study. In order to complete all 10 weeks prior to Easter Sunday, participants should start the challenge no later than Monday, February 10th!
Click on the image above to learn more about the challenge!
We have several small study groups available to join:
Sunday Mornings (Men only) from 9:45am - 10:45am (February 2 - April 13)
Monday Evenings from 6:30pm - 7:30pm (February 3 - April 7)
Tuesday Afternoons from 1pm - 2pm (February 4 - April 8)
Thursday Mornings (Women only) from 9:30am - 10:30am (February 6 - April 10)
Click below to pay for your book online!